Monday 26 March 2012

Sorry for the delay

Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in my post I was in Florida basking in the sun light. I got a wonderful tan, saw wonderful things and I have tons and tons of new photos that I will have to scrapbook.  I will keep this one short as I haven't made any advances in my crafting but I am hoping with the warm weather coming the inspiration will find me. Wish me luck

Friday 2 March 2012



I have got absolutely nothing accomplished this week.  I have not exercised, I have ate things I shouldn't if I want to lose weight and I have be an all round bear to be with (not that my wonderful hubby has said anything about it).  I just have a very stressful week and I am so ready for Florida.  I know the stress that are there when you leave will still be here when I get back. However, fun in the sun, swimming and a little bit (who am I kidding a lot) of booze may help get me out of my funk. I have gotten the winter blues hard this week, even though it doesn't really look like winter outside looks more like early spring or late fall.  It just has seemed that everything I planned to do or wanted to happen didn't this week. No to mention, every part of my life that wasn't causing me stress decided it would be a good idea to cause me stress.  I am not sure why I am doing this blog anymore cause who is it helping.  I am not getting the projects I set out to do any quicker then I would have with out this blog.  I have no one posting comments, questions or concerns so it feels like I am talking to myself but over the internet.  Yes I know people are reading it or so they claim, but is that enough. I guess that is the question I have to ask myself.  Maybe all I need is a good de-stressing night or maybe weekend but all our money that isn't going towards bills right now is going into savings to pay for the trip and so that we can have fun on the trip.  I also think I am slightly disappointed that I couldn't be in the class in March I feel it would have been fun and a good learning experience. I just hope they are doing it again in April. They have not yet posted the April calendar, so time will tell. I just don't know what to do anymore. I know everyone gets in funks every now and then and I shouldn't be bitching and complaining like I am, but it is my blog and I'll do what I I know there are people in this world that are worse off than I am and I shouldn't complain. Unfortunately, life is not perfect. I have learnt that a lot over the past 4 years. My goal for this next week is to find something to be positive and happy about each day and focus on that instead of the negative aspect and the things I can't control.  It is going to hard but hopefully it helps. Wish me luck...LUCK!!!! (yeah I am corny)