Friday 16 November 2012


Hi Everyone,

Yes I know I failed my New Years resolution and you guys. New Years for this coming year is just around the corner and I won't be able to catch up. I apologize that I have not kept up with my blog. I have some sad news also and I am going to fill you all in I have not kept up with my crafting either.  I have a bit of updating to do so that you all know what has been happening with me. I am working full time and loving every minute of it.  Well that is not a hundred percent accurate there is always one or two things in every job that drive you absolutely crazy.  However, the positives out way the negatives for me. I am also doing a lot of work and courses with Palliative care and helping educate people on it. It is also November 16th I have finished all my Christmas shopping, wrapping and Christmas cards.  I had my first person of the 80 people I sent Christmas cards receive them yesterday.  I have plans to finish my Christmas decorating of my house this weekend. I am likely going to do the tree and a small amount of decorating because I am not going to go all out this year as we are saving up to get our deposit because in the new year we are going to be looking and hopefully getting our first house. Then I will be able to get a decent size craft room and then I can stock it full of fun and start on all my projects.  I have a crap ton of scrap-booking to do and my craft room now is good and all but I feel that when I get into a project that a bomb has gone off in it.  As I also have my overflow for my nursing supplies in my craft room.  I have a big task this weekend too to organize my car because my car has had a nursing supply bomb go off in it. It honestly looks like a hospital supply cupboard has thrown up in my car. I may have to take pictures and show you the before and after so that you all can have a nice hearty laugh.  I am hoping that with me being done my Christmas prep I can get some of my crafting done.  My hubby is actually crafting in a way himself he is working on perfecting the technique of resin infusion and how to pull molds from things.  I try and grasp what he is doing and why but I don't fully get it and I am not sure I really want to.  I see it as he is making a mess in my house and says it will pay off in the long run. Yes I may bitch and complain about him tinkering but he is happy that he is learning new things and trying new things. So I will tell you he is happy and if he is happy I guess I will let him tinker as long as he cleans up after himself.  I am going to end this post here, I hope to have another one posted tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.  My goal for that post is that my car will be cleaned, my tree will be up and I may have attempted some crafting .  Until next time let your imagination soar.