Friday 30 December 2011

Craft Room

Hello World,

I came across the following picture today when I was procrastinating from doing some of my house work.  I would be in heaven if my craft room looked like the following:

If only I could win the lottery then I will have my dream craft room.  This will likely take me years to make but it all nice and organised and full of everything a Scrap Booker desires.  I however would not keep it organised for overly long.  I feel that as soon as I started on my project I would have stuff everywhere.  If any of you have any suggestions on ways to get a dream craft room started that would be greatly appreciated or if you have any suggestions on what your dream craft room would look like I would love to hear about it. Also if you have any suggestions on where to get these supplies at a discount then I would love to hear about that too.  Bye for now.

Thursday 29 December 2011

First Blog Ever

Hello World,

I am just a small town girl who has never lost her creative edge from childhood.  I thought that blogging my crafts and my ideas might be a good way to get my ideas out and keep me on task.  I have found that I have lost a lot of focus and drive it is time to get the ball rolling. I have been doing arts and crafts since I was a little girl and I have never stopped loving making crafts.
When I was little my mom ran a day care so I remember her constantly coming up with new fun crafts for us kids to do. Anything from construction paper hand turkeys for thanksgiving, clothespin reindeer at Christmas and meat pie tin pin art in the summer.  I always loved doing the crafts with the kids even when I got too old. I have since found a love for scrap booking. I have started a basic album about 4 years ago just showing some of the adventures I have been on with some really close friend and a wonderful man you will soon know as my Buby.
My husband and I have been together for 7 years married for just over two, but he will always be my Buby.  Why I call him Buby is a interesting story I may tell you about it later. He has been my rock through some very hard times.  He is also my biggest supporter.
Santa aka my wonderful hubby helped me to get my craft supplies built up again.  I got a new album so that I can scrapbook our wedding photos,(yes I have had two years to do that and haven't even started yet.) I got a new paper trimmer, a circle cutter, and a scoring board. I also have a lot of 3000 plus embellishments, stickers and decals soon to be coming my way once I win the auction from eBay.
I plan to use this blog to tell you about my progress on my scrap booking, my soon to be new challenge of learning to knit and crochet and any other crafts I take on. It will also be a place for you to try my craft idea, for you to suggest things for me to try or a place where craft lovers can help other craft lovers with suggestions, praise, and admiration. I hope that this will help you as much as I feel it will help me.
My goal is to do weekly if not daily posts. I have plans to attend a scrap booking course a crocheting, and knitting course in the new year. These likely will not be happening until February as the store that host them doesn't have any running this month.
Step one for me is to start this blog, step two is get organised and get ready to get to work at my scrap booking and all the new projects that the new year will bring. Here goes nothing!