Tuesday 24 April 2012

Spotted Canary Class

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the late post, my week last week was super busy. On a typical week I see any where from 15-25, people last week I saw 42.  Needless to say by the time I got home from work, I wanted to eat dinner and go to bed. I did nothing last week.  My house looked like a bomb went off in it but I did not care.  I am fully registered for my scrapbooking class that I have been trying to do since December. I finally get to start it on Sunday I went to Michael's today to get my rainbow colour selector and my calligraphy set and I found the worlds best deal.  I came across a scrapbooking tote on wheels with 17 piece storage set inside.  It was regularly $169.99 and I got it for $44.99 cause the company was discontinuing that model.  Of course I grabbed it.  I can't image what fun things I am going to learn in the class and what fun projects that it will help me to create.  I am starting my wine making this Friday I am picking up two batches so that I can get one started and in two weeks when I can take the wine from the plastic bucket and put it in the carboy and then I can start the second batch.  Then another pay period will come around and I can pick up two more.  I will need to make 6 batches in total to fill all the bottles I have in the house.  That way I won't have to go to the brand new super sized LCBO and spend a fortune on wine when I can make it for $2 a bottle roughly instead of $6-14 a bottle for the stuff I like.  Also it is always nice to have wine in the house because you never know when family or friends will pop over and you can always offer them wine in the spring and summer cause nothing beats sitting out on the patio and having a nice glass of wine and kicking your feet up. Plus it is always good for dinner parties too.  So I will have a couple projects on the go in May. My wine and my scrapbooking class plus I have a course I am taking in May and June to help me to be an even better nurse.  I am going to be busy this next month but I think it will be a blast then it is camping season.  Bring it on.

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