Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Scarf

Hello Everyone,

Sorry this post is a couple days late.  I wasn't really near my computer this weekend.  I had the time to be but I just didn't seem to realize I should do my blog.  When I woke up today and realized it was Tuesday and that I never told the world about my scarf and my week last week I was shocked.  I took some pictures and prepared for my day.  Now it's 2:30 and I am finally sitting down to blog.  I kept getting distracted and doing other things and forgot to take the two minutes to write this.  Sorry I have been not so diligent these past couple weeks.  Chris and I won a trip to Florida so we are trying to get everything sorted out with that.  Yes the control freak that I am, I have already started packing.  With the trip slowly approaching and us feeling like there is still so much to do. It is starting to get overwhelming.  However, my sister is law flew in from New Zealand yesterday so that is awesome.  I finished the scarf on Sunday.  I will likely not do a colour changing one again for quite some time.  Seeing it takes forever and a day to do the first row of the colour because you are weaving in the ends.  Yes I know I can wait till it is all done and weave them in after the fact but I thought I would attempt to do it this way. I have enclosed a photo of me wearing the scarf and a photo of the scarf and the hat together.  I guess all I have to do now is find a mitten pattern and start crocheting.  I am going to tackle some scrapbooking this afternoon and evening.  I will not be doing the class in March as I would have to miss the third week class and possibly the fourth week pending on when we fly back in so here is hoping they are offering it in April.  I am also planning on making a bunch of wine in April.  Not this past Christmas the Christmas prior I got the supplies to be able to make my own wine at home I just have to buy the $60 kits from my wonderful wine lady and then 4 weeks later I have 30 bottles of wine and it works out to be about $2 a bottle instead of 6-12 dollars a bottle.  I hoping to fill up all my wine bottles as I have one bottle left from when I did my last batch.  I will have lots of projects on the go in early spring but I will need to keep myself busy as I get bored very easy.  I am slowly seeing results on my weight lost challenge that I am doing with my hubby and one of our friends.  I am down 6 pounds since I started just over a month ago. Last week was the biggest weight lost week for me with a lose of 2.2lbs.  If I keep this up I might be at a decent weight for when I go away.  Well I want to apologize that this post is a little all over the place but I had so much that I wanted to tell you.  I will do likely 3 post this weeks so looking forward to talking to you later. Bye for now

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