Friday 24 February 2012

Slow Week

Hello Everyone,

So since Tuesday I have been working like a mad women on scrapbooking.  I have done twelve pages.  Some are not as fancy as I would like but I had a lot of pictures to get in a couple pages.  I think they are nicely presented. I have also picked up a 195 piece art set. It has some great things to work with.  I haven't used pastels and water colors since I was a child it will be nice to use them again and they will be able to enhance my scrapbooking in an artsy way.  Some of the pictures I have been putting off doing because of the emotional attachment to the pictures I finally got around to scrapbooking this week. I have had my little cry and got those pages done.  I will be looking for new patterns to knit and crochet.  I have been helping my hubby with our business on the side. I haven't had a lot of time since early this week to work on as much of my things as I would have liked, but it is fine. I will slowly pick away at my stuff.  Well this is it for now.  I will talk to you all soon

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