Thursday 2 February 2012

The Hat From Hell

Hello All,

As you all know I had my course at Michael's on Monday to learn a new stitch.  While let me tell you that was an ordeal. I was there for 5:45pm so that I am on time.  There were two of us scheduled to take the class plus the instructor.  The Michael's staff didn't come to the room till 5:55pm and advised me that the instructor is running a bit late.  The instructor didn't show up till 6:20pm  and then we started. I learnt how to double crochet. We figured as we only had a two hours to work on this project together she would teach me to make a hat.  She felt that if we started a scarf or pillow I wouldn't have enough done in the two hours to feel confident to finish it at home. While we started the hat.  I went home on row for of a 15 row pattern.  I worked on it that night and I was concerned because my hat was more of a Dollie then a hat.  But I had faith. I got to row eight that night. I phone the instructor the next morning and voiced my concerns and she said that it should become more hat like by row 13, so I continued on. I got to row 13 and still Dollie like. I researched on the internet and found out that I might still be adding a stitch and that could be causing the problem of why it is not curving into a hat.  I took out rows 13-7 and started them over.  While it started to curve a bit but not as much as it should.  I called the instructor again on Wednesday morning and asked if I could come in and show her what was happening and see if there was anything we could do to fix it.  I got to Michael's at a little after 10 in the morning. She said I did something wrong in the first four rows so I would have to start over.  We then pulled out the whole thing and started over.  Yes this time it turned into a hat but still it was discouraging to not be able to get a hat on my first try.  The hat is finally done. I may start a scarf next and use the toast yarn color and add some rows of the off white so that I can wear the hat and scarf together. Oh and good news they are running the spotted canary course in March.  I will be registering on Friday. I will keep you posted on that.  Enclosed with this post are the picture of the demon hat and me wearing it.  There are still some flaws in it but hey it is done and I won't be doing a hat for a bit. Till next time

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