Wednesday 25 January 2012

Craft Room Before and After

Hello Again

Chris and I had a difficult weekend this past weekend, as our rabbit Toby past away. Today I woke up and cleaned out the room that she was in and decided that I would make it my craft room. These are the before pictures below:

I spent the day cleaning and organizing my craft room so that I can show you all the progress in my after pics so here they are :

I am really happy with the way it looks I feel I need to add some pictures to the wall. It is time to get to work on some scrapbooking now that I have my room finally set up. Yes you may see that I don't have the top on my desk and it is sitting on the floor, but I did this so that I can maximize the space on my desk top, and have more space to scrapbook.

I had a great time on Monday at the one and one class. I learnt some new things. I learnt how to set a page layout and why we set it in that manner. Now that I think about it, it makes complete sense. I made two great pages all by myself it took me close to two hours to do but I am very happy with the way they turned out. I will remember to use those techniques from now on and I can't wait to learn more. I am going to likely make it part of my schedule to either go to the Friday night crop night or the Monday afternoon crop session just so that I can work on my scrapbooking with others and get their opinions and comments on what I am doing. Any input helps. Well as promised here are the pages I did below:

While I think this post is long enough for today, so I will talk to you all later. Until next time have a great day.

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