Sunday 22 January 2012


Hello Everyone,

I have added some pictures with this post. On Friday night I knitted that 4x4 square for my first square while I watched a movie with my hubby. This is the burgundy square in the photo. I am pretty happy with myself only made a couple boo boos. Most won't notice them but those with a trained eye they will see that my first row is kinda loose in spots, I some how dropped two stitches but managed to pick them up on the next row. Which made no sense to me, but I still did it. It is not perfect, but for a practice square and the fact that I haven't knit in years I was pleased. I am going to attempt to do a crochet one either tonight or some time this coming week.

The other photo is of one of the prepared Christmas scrapbooking pages. This is what it looks like after I added the picture. I want to be able to do great pages like this on my own some day time will tell. I bet the wonderful lady in the picture with me is going to be pleased to know that she is now on the internet is a funny get up for all to see. Lol (please don't be mad). I called to day to book my one on one class tomorrow for scrapbooking. I will let you know how that goes. Well I am off for the night talk to you later.

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