Monday 3 March 2014

I'm back...

Hello Everyone,

It has been awhile since I posted.  I have been a very busy women. Chris and I bought our first house, we moved in last June and I was 4.5 months pregnant. I gave birth to the most wonderful and amazing baby boy ever. Xavier Alan Wesley joined us on November 21st 2013.
Isn't he a gem. I sure think so. I have slowly been getting back to my crafts.  I have received the best crafting table ever for my 30th birthday from my husband and it was made with love.
I have yet to use it and I got a high drafting chair for Christmas to go with it.  I have yet to choose what colour I want to pain it and my cabinets that I will be getting shortly. I had bought a smash book a while back and I was trying to figure out what I was going to use it for. Well it came to me when I was figuring out how to scrapbook my pregnancy journey.  I got it all done now and I am quite happy with the way it turned out I took my pictures of my self with my baby bump like this one:
Then I wrote how much I weighed, how big my belly is measuring. Then I wrote what his rough measurements would be. Then I wrote what things that were developing in my little man. One project down and fifty zillion more. For Christmas I got Chris a membership to the Beer of the Month Club. So I have decided that is going to be scrapbooked so that he will be able to remember what beers he had from years to come. This is the album: 

I am going to buy another sheet of the stickers that the beer bottle caps were on so that I can put that sticker down the other side too to make the cover flows a bit better. 

These are the beers that he has gotten so far and I have scrapbooked them so far
I am going to put a month label on the green one these are the month labels I bought
just waiting for them to come in the mail. On the orange page I have added a comment block under the green beer label. That way Chris can explain what he thought of the beer was. I still have to tackle my wedding scrapbook but that means going through the the pictures and order them. I just have to make sure that I am a good mood cause I always get pissed off when I look at them. We have 1000 pictures despite we paid for 2000 and I am going say three quarter of them are not usable. We have pictures that aren't centred, pictures where I am not smiling, pictures where people are not looking at the camera and tons of picture of my one best man. I will get it done and it will look great.  I also have to do Xavier's scrapbook. I also have some pre baby stuff to scrapbook.  I love scrapbooking and crafting but it is so expensive. Printing pictures are not cheap, embellishments are pricey and so are the tools. I have decided that so that I can be home with Xavier all the time and be able to do all the projects that I want and the travelling that I want to be able to do with my family. I will need to choose the following:
a) get a sugar daddy...Chris might not like this option 
b) win the lottery
c) find a leprechaun's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
d) get a money tree
e) or come into a large amounts of money from some random person
I can only work on my crafts during nap time or at night time right now.  Soon the little man will be able to entertain himself in his exersaucer or other toys and will be sleep trained (meaning he will sleep through the night) in another month or two. Which means mom either brings those toys or the jolly jumper up to the craft room or bring the stuff down to the kitchen table well he plays and then work upstairs in my craft room at nap time and bed time as he will be in bed for the night at 7pm-6:30 am. He is doing it now but he is still getting up to feed every 3-4 hours.  The little man is done his nap so I best get back to being a mom.  Looking forward to the projects to come.  I hope you all are looking forward to them too.

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