Monday 24 March 2014

Where has the time gone

Hi Everyone,

Where has the time gone? ... I have asked myself that a couple of times over the past few days. It has been a hectic couple of weeks. Busy with the little man, being under the weather myself and getting things organised. I have my cube shelves assembled and put in my craft room, my book shelves moved and my closet and desk organised.  I have not done anymore scrapbooking at this time.

It is amazing how much time things take to do when you have a baby. I cleaned out the two filing cabinets that I have. I made one for my card stock and scraps and the other for mine and my husbands files and important documents. I literally spent the better part of five hours labelling, sorting and putting all my card stock into the forty files and into the filing cabinet.  However when you have a baby that is an hour at time during the day while he naps if he naps that long or three to four hours at a time at night when he is asleep. If you are doing at night time though you are usually exhausted from the day and by the time nine, nine thirty rolls around you want to crawl into bed because you are not only tired but you know you are going to be up during the night to feed the little man. I got my 12*12 sheets all organised and in their boxes and the boxes are now labelled. I picked up a scrapbooking label maker from staples last week and it is pink. Yeah my favourite colour. I got mine and my hubby's files all organised and nice and neat. I have all our income tax stuff together so that this week we can get it to the accountant. Here is hoping for big returns so that I can get more supplies.

Sunday I spent two hours during the day cleaning and getting everything organised I have my closet organised in my craft room so that it doesn't look like a bomb went off in it. Chris and I picked up the supplies to make my last set of shelves with the counter space so that I can sit my cricuit up and my laptop. Construction of those will begin hopefully this week. Hope it doesn't take Chris as long as my craft table did to make. I would love to have them before June. I guess time will tell.  I have also be trying to figure out if I am going to paint the top of my craft table or buy a sheet of Formica. Painting it will definitely be easier and cheaper, however, if I am doing projects and my tools scuff it and mark it after a little while it might look bad and I would have to repaint it. Where as if I spent a bit of money and bought a sheet of Formica a nice colour and smooth finish I could have a nice durable finish as most people have Formica counter tops in their kitchen unless they have granite, marble or quartz. I think I am leaning towards the Formica end of things, but still not a hundred percent. What do you think?

Well I best bring this ramble to an end as it is getting late, time to hop in a nice relaxing tub and soak away all of the days frustrations, and then head to bed to get some sleep. Maybe I will get lucky and get to do both of those things before the little man wakes up to feed. I doubt it but one can hope.  Until next time...Hopefully when I write next I am writing to say I won the lottery and all my money issues are solved. However, I would likely have new ones. Bye for now.

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