Monday 24 March 2014

Where has the time gone

Hi Everyone,

Where has the time gone? ... I have asked myself that a couple of times over the past few days. It has been a hectic couple of weeks. Busy with the little man, being under the weather myself and getting things organised. I have my cube shelves assembled and put in my craft room, my book shelves moved and my closet and desk organised.  I have not done anymore scrapbooking at this time.

It is amazing how much time things take to do when you have a baby. I cleaned out the two filing cabinets that I have. I made one for my card stock and scraps and the other for mine and my husbands files and important documents. I literally spent the better part of five hours labelling, sorting and putting all my card stock into the forty files and into the filing cabinet.  However when you have a baby that is an hour at time during the day while he naps if he naps that long or three to four hours at a time at night when he is asleep. If you are doing at night time though you are usually exhausted from the day and by the time nine, nine thirty rolls around you want to crawl into bed because you are not only tired but you know you are going to be up during the night to feed the little man. I got my 12*12 sheets all organised and in their boxes and the boxes are now labelled. I picked up a scrapbooking label maker from staples last week and it is pink. Yeah my favourite colour. I got mine and my hubby's files all organised and nice and neat. I have all our income tax stuff together so that this week we can get it to the accountant. Here is hoping for big returns so that I can get more supplies.

Sunday I spent two hours during the day cleaning and getting everything organised I have my closet organised in my craft room so that it doesn't look like a bomb went off in it. Chris and I picked up the supplies to make my last set of shelves with the counter space so that I can sit my cricuit up and my laptop. Construction of those will begin hopefully this week. Hope it doesn't take Chris as long as my craft table did to make. I would love to have them before June. I guess time will tell.  I have also be trying to figure out if I am going to paint the top of my craft table or buy a sheet of Formica. Painting it will definitely be easier and cheaper, however, if I am doing projects and my tools scuff it and mark it after a little while it might look bad and I would have to repaint it. Where as if I spent a bit of money and bought a sheet of Formica a nice colour and smooth finish I could have a nice durable finish as most people have Formica counter tops in their kitchen unless they have granite, marble or quartz. I think I am leaning towards the Formica end of things, but still not a hundred percent. What do you think?

Well I best bring this ramble to an end as it is getting late, time to hop in a nice relaxing tub and soak away all of the days frustrations, and then head to bed to get some sleep. Maybe I will get lucky and get to do both of those things before the little man wakes up to feed. I doubt it but one can hope.  Until next time...Hopefully when I write next I am writing to say I won the lottery and all my money issues are solved. However, I would likely have new ones. Bye for now.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Organizing and Stocking up

Hello again to all my friends,

I have done a lot of purchasing to make my craft room awesome. I am getting things to organise and fill it with supplies. Even with the very stressful day on Friday I have got a lot accomplished .  Friday was a pain in the butt. I failed a pass/fail test, our driver brake line went on our SUV and we had to find a way to get us and the little man home from town. However, we made it through and we did our running around, got groceries and not so much with my house work has been completed.   I can take a break from that to enjoy some things I enjoy.

I have accomplished five more pages for my scrapbook. I have three more event pictures cut and ready to be set up and mounted on the pages when I get a couple minutes.

I have bought things to help keep my craft room organised and supplies. I bought twelve 12*12 paper cases to store my scrapbooking paper so that it is organised, file folders for my card stock and scraps, two nine cubed shelves and Chris is going to be making me other shelves in the next couple weeks to organise things.  I just now have to find nice decorative boxes or baskets to go in the cube wholes. I have over two hundred 12*12 scrapbook sheets coming to me in the mail, as well as, one hundred and twelve pieces of card stock. The scrapbook sheets are going to be random. Where as, the card stock are twenty eight different colours four sheets of each.

I bought a sweater hanger to hold my paper cases in however it is about 6 cm too small so I think I am just going to organise my closet and set up in an organised fashion in there.  I have a couple of old filing cabinets from my parents that I am going to go through and empty.. One is going to be strictly for my supplies. I will have scraps in one drawer and in the other drawer of that cabinet I am going to have my card stock in file folders that are labelled. The other cabinet will be for Chris and my bills and important papers and things of that nature. I also have two, three drawer carts with wheels that I will store stuff in. Right now I have my stickers, construction paper and odds and ends in there .

I am going to have to spend some time in my craft room getting it all organised.  I have decided that I am going to be painting my craft table white and get brown and white basket/boxes to go on it and do the same for the shelves that Chris is making me.  My book shelves and my shelves that I bought that are nine cubes are all brown so I can get white or other accents for them.

Well I am off again everyone to spend some quality time with my little man and try and get some housework accomplished seeing laundry and cleaning will not do them selves. The nerve hey. Lol

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Getting Back at it

Hello Again,

I have had a couple of productive days. It feels so good to get back to things I love and enjoy. It helps out that the jigger (Xavier's pet name) is sleeping better. I have got some scrapbooking done.  I have finished five pages and organised my paper into colours and patterns. These are the pages that I finished:

The first three were for my brother in law's birthday.  He works on the railway and this was his first trip out . It was a very important date in his life. The other one was my graduation from nursing school.  I have also found some unique was to store my paper
Now to buy the bins and sweater holder and I am in business. I also have posted the following:
I am looking to add to my supplies...If any one is looking to get rid of or donate their supplies I will gladly accept them if they are things that I don't already have.  A scrapbooker can never have too much paper, cardstock or embellishments. I am looking for free or minimal price. Please contact me if you have anything you want to offer.
I put it on a couple classified sites in hope to get some supplies. Time will tell, but off to play with the little man. Will update you all later.

Monday 3 March 2014

I'm back...

Hello Everyone,

It has been awhile since I posted.  I have been a very busy women. Chris and I bought our first house, we moved in last June and I was 4.5 months pregnant. I gave birth to the most wonderful and amazing baby boy ever. Xavier Alan Wesley joined us on November 21st 2013.
Isn't he a gem. I sure think so. I have slowly been getting back to my crafts.  I have received the best crafting table ever for my 30th birthday from my husband and it was made with love.
I have yet to use it and I got a high drafting chair for Christmas to go with it.  I have yet to choose what colour I want to pain it and my cabinets that I will be getting shortly. I had bought a smash book a while back and I was trying to figure out what I was going to use it for. Well it came to me when I was figuring out how to scrapbook my pregnancy journey.  I got it all done now and I am quite happy with the way it turned out I took my pictures of my self with my baby bump like this one:
Then I wrote how much I weighed, how big my belly is measuring. Then I wrote what his rough measurements would be. Then I wrote what things that were developing in my little man. One project down and fifty zillion more. For Christmas I got Chris a membership to the Beer of the Month Club. So I have decided that is going to be scrapbooked so that he will be able to remember what beers he had from years to come. This is the album: 

I am going to buy another sheet of the stickers that the beer bottle caps were on so that I can put that sticker down the other side too to make the cover flows a bit better. 

These are the beers that he has gotten so far and I have scrapbooked them so far
I am going to put a month label on the green one these are the month labels I bought
just waiting for them to come in the mail. On the orange page I have added a comment block under the green beer label. That way Chris can explain what he thought of the beer was. I still have to tackle my wedding scrapbook but that means going through the the pictures and order them. I just have to make sure that I am a good mood cause I always get pissed off when I look at them. We have 1000 pictures despite we paid for 2000 and I am going say three quarter of them are not usable. We have pictures that aren't centred, pictures where I am not smiling, pictures where people are not looking at the camera and tons of picture of my one best man. I will get it done and it will look great.  I also have to do Xavier's scrapbook. I also have some pre baby stuff to scrapbook.  I love scrapbooking and crafting but it is so expensive. Printing pictures are not cheap, embellishments are pricey and so are the tools. I have decided that so that I can be home with Xavier all the time and be able to do all the projects that I want and the travelling that I want to be able to do with my family. I will need to choose the following:
a) get a sugar daddy...Chris might not like this option 
b) win the lottery
c) find a leprechaun's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
d) get a money tree
e) or come into a large amounts of money from some random person
I can only work on my crafts during nap time or at night time right now.  Soon the little man will be able to entertain himself in his exersaucer or other toys and will be sleep trained (meaning he will sleep through the night) in another month or two. Which means mom either brings those toys or the jolly jumper up to the craft room or bring the stuff down to the kitchen table well he plays and then work upstairs in my craft room at nap time and bed time as he will be in bed for the night at 7pm-6:30 am. He is doing it now but he is still getting up to feed every 3-4 hours.  The little man is done his nap so I best get back to being a mom.  Looking forward to the projects to come.  I hope you all are looking forward to them too.

Friday 16 November 2012


Hi Everyone,

Yes I know I failed my New Years resolution and you guys. New Years for this coming year is just around the corner and I won't be able to catch up. I apologize that I have not kept up with my blog. I have some sad news also and I am going to fill you all in I have not kept up with my crafting either.  I have a bit of updating to do so that you all know what has been happening with me. I am working full time and loving every minute of it.  Well that is not a hundred percent accurate there is always one or two things in every job that drive you absolutely crazy.  However, the positives out way the negatives for me. I am also doing a lot of work and courses with Palliative care and helping educate people on it. It is also November 16th I have finished all my Christmas shopping, wrapping and Christmas cards.  I had my first person of the 80 people I sent Christmas cards receive them yesterday.  I have plans to finish my Christmas decorating of my house this weekend. I am likely going to do the tree and a small amount of decorating because I am not going to go all out this year as we are saving up to get our deposit because in the new year we are going to be looking and hopefully getting our first house. Then I will be able to get a decent size craft room and then I can stock it full of fun and start on all my projects.  I have a crap ton of scrap-booking to do and my craft room now is good and all but I feel that when I get into a project that a bomb has gone off in it.  As I also have my overflow for my nursing supplies in my craft room.  I have a big task this weekend too to organize my car because my car has had a nursing supply bomb go off in it. It honestly looks like a hospital supply cupboard has thrown up in my car. I may have to take pictures and show you the before and after so that you all can have a nice hearty laugh.  I am hoping that with me being done my Christmas prep I can get some of my crafting done.  My hubby is actually crafting in a way himself he is working on perfecting the technique of resin infusion and how to pull molds from things.  I try and grasp what he is doing and why but I don't fully get it and I am not sure I really want to.  I see it as he is making a mess in my house and says it will pay off in the long run. Yes I may bitch and complain about him tinkering but he is happy that he is learning new things and trying new things. So I will tell you he is happy and if he is happy I guess I will let him tinker as long as he cleans up after himself.  I am going to end this post here, I hope to have another one posted tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.  My goal for that post is that my car will be cleaned, my tree will be up and I may have attempted some crafting .  Until next time let your imagination soar.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Spotted Canary Class

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the late post, my week last week was super busy. On a typical week I see any where from 15-25, people last week I saw 42.  Needless to say by the time I got home from work, I wanted to eat dinner and go to bed. I did nothing last week.  My house looked like a bomb went off in it but I did not care.  I am fully registered for my scrapbooking class that I have been trying to do since December. I finally get to start it on Sunday I went to Michael's today to get my rainbow colour selector and my calligraphy set and I found the worlds best deal.  I came across a scrapbooking tote on wheels with 17 piece storage set inside.  It was regularly $169.99 and I got it for $44.99 cause the company was discontinuing that model.  Of course I grabbed it.  I can't image what fun things I am going to learn in the class and what fun projects that it will help me to create.  I am starting my wine making this Friday I am picking up two batches so that I can get one started and in two weeks when I can take the wine from the plastic bucket and put it in the carboy and then I can start the second batch.  Then another pay period will come around and I can pick up two more.  I will need to make 6 batches in total to fill all the bottles I have in the house.  That way I won't have to go to the brand new super sized LCBO and spend a fortune on wine when I can make it for $2 a bottle roughly instead of $6-14 a bottle for the stuff I like.  Also it is always nice to have wine in the house because you never know when family or friends will pop over and you can always offer them wine in the spring and summer cause nothing beats sitting out on the patio and having a nice glass of wine and kicking your feet up. Plus it is always good for dinner parties too.  So I will have a couple projects on the go in May. My wine and my scrapbooking class plus I have a course I am taking in May and June to help me to be an even better nurse.  I am going to be busy this next month but I think it will be a blast then it is camping season.  Bring it on.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Where to Start

Hi Everyone,

Firstly, I want to apologize with how lax I have been with my blog. One week I have a complete bitch session and then the next I am stating that I went away and really haven't got to my crafts that I wanted to do.  I honestly can say that I have not done much of anything but work since I have come back from vacation.  The scrapbooking class that I wanted to take is running again in May so likely when I get paid on Friday I will be going to get registered for that.  Then maybe that will bring me out of my funk.  I have just have had no drive to do much of anything.  I have books I want to read, I have scrapbooking I want to do, I have to start thinking about getting my vegetable garden prep'd and ready to go and I have to win the lottery so that I can bank roll this.  I joke about the lottery a lot but someone once said to me " you want to win the lottery but you never pay so how do you expect to win". My answer (which makes total sense to me at least) I either find a winning ticket by chance or someone I know and love wins it big and wants to share.  I know the likelihood of me playing and winning are just about as good of odds as me finding the winning ticket by chance.
But back to my funk....I have been in so deep I can honestly say I have not been on pintrest in weeks. While that is not entirely true I went on last Wednesday night to grab a recipe but I did not pin a thing and I am a huge pintrest junkie.  I am asking all of you where do I start? What do I to get out of this funk?  Spring and Summer are just around the corner and I am looking forward to it but not as much as normal.  My hubby is pumped for race season, I have friends planning camping, friends getting married, and friends buying boats.  Then there is me in my near future I see work and bills.  Yeah...not  Please help with the de-funking process. I am all ears...while not literally that would be weird.