Wednesday 25 January 2012

Craft Room Before and After

Hello Again

Chris and I had a difficult weekend this past weekend, as our rabbit Toby past away. Today I woke up and cleaned out the room that she was in and decided that I would make it my craft room. These are the before pictures below:

I spent the day cleaning and organizing my craft room so that I can show you all the progress in my after pics so here they are :

I am really happy with the way it looks I feel I need to add some pictures to the wall. It is time to get to work on some scrapbooking now that I have my room finally set up. Yes you may see that I don't have the top on my desk and it is sitting on the floor, but I did this so that I can maximize the space on my desk top, and have more space to scrapbook.

I had a great time on Monday at the one and one class. I learnt some new things. I learnt how to set a page layout and why we set it in that manner. Now that I think about it, it makes complete sense. I made two great pages all by myself it took me close to two hours to do but I am very happy with the way they turned out. I will remember to use those techniques from now on and I can't wait to learn more. I am going to likely make it part of my schedule to either go to the Friday night crop night or the Monday afternoon crop session just so that I can work on my scrapbooking with others and get their opinions and comments on what I am doing. Any input helps. Well as promised here are the pages I did below:

While I think this post is long enough for today, so I will talk to you all later. Until next time have a great day.

Sunday 22 January 2012


Hello Everyone,

I have added some pictures with this post. On Friday night I knitted that 4x4 square for my first square while I watched a movie with my hubby. This is the burgundy square in the photo. I am pretty happy with myself only made a couple boo boos. Most won't notice them but those with a trained eye they will see that my first row is kinda loose in spots, I some how dropped two stitches but managed to pick them up on the next row. Which made no sense to me, but I still did it. It is not perfect, but for a practice square and the fact that I haven't knit in years I was pleased. I am going to attempt to do a crochet one either tonight or some time this coming week.

The other photo is of one of the prepared Christmas scrapbooking pages. This is what it looks like after I added the picture. I want to be able to do great pages like this on my own some day time will tell. I bet the wonderful lady in the picture with me is going to be pleased to know that she is now on the internet is a funny get up for all to see. Lol (please don't be mad). I called to day to book my one on one class tomorrow for scrapbooking. I will let you know how that goes. Well I am off for the night talk to you later.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Hope Always Find You When You Need It!

I was starting to doubt the point of doing this blog as I thought that Chris and I were the only ones who were reading it. Then I heard the most wonderful news. I actually have readers. One of my oldest friends that I have known since I was in public school said she reads my posts. That makes me happy and that is why I think this week you will get two posts.

Well here is the update for the week. I have picked up an new Bright Pink scrapbook album (for those who know me they know how much I love pink),a black and grey wedding album (so that I can finally start scrapbooking my wedding pictures), I also got a couple prepared sheets that I just have to add pictures to. I picked up two wedding ones and two Christmas ones as well as, an autumn kit so that I do beautiful fall theme package of papers and embellishments and a wedding theme package of papers and embellishments.

I am going to be taking an one on one scrapbooking class on Monday I hope that it will be helpful. Depending on when I finish work tomorrow I might go to the crop night, well that is if Chris doesn't need me here to entertain him. Which is highly unlikely as he has a ton of projects going on right now. The other reason I wouldn't got is if we get the snow storm they are calling for, as I absolutely hate driving in the snow not because I can't drive in it but because others don't know how to drive in it. Well on this note I am going to call it a night talk to you all soon.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Busy Week

Hello Everyone,

Another week has come and gone. I have made a lot of progress this week I received my 3377 piece embellishment lot this Wednesday. It has a lot of great stickers and features to add to my new scrapbooking pages that I will be making. I have even got things that I have never used before like rub on's, brads and others. I am excited to learn how to use them. My wonderful husband picked up my paper lot I won this morning from the postal outlet. I won 215 pieces of 12*12 scrapbooking paper. I have looked through them and I have some that I am dying to use right away and others that I am not sure how I will use them. I know though with this hobby it is never one that you find you have too much stuff. It is more like you don't have enough. I find that when I am scrapbooking I can always wish I had something else to make the page just right. Last night I did six pages of scrapbooking, and I finished my first album. My scrapbook is actually too full, so I had to expand the spine. Honestly, they should make that easier to do. I spent a good ten minutes trying to struggle with putting my album back together. Finally, I had to get the help of my Buby Man to assist me in getting the album together.
This week I have also picked up my supplies I need for my crocheting class on the 30th. I need a J hook and 2 skeins of red heart soft yarn. I bought a multi-hook set so that if the next project I make if it calls for a different hook I have from a-j. The yarn I got was Toast and Off White and they will look great as a scarf. They will look awesome with my boots that I got for Christmas as they are rusty brown color. So Wednesday night I looked at the things I needed to know prior to my class. I walked through some tutorials and I have successfully taught myself to crochet a foundation chain, single crochet and turn a chain. I was quite impressed with myself. Today I went out and got myself a I taught myself to knit kit. So tonight while I finish my Harry Potter movie marathon I am going to teach myself to knit again. I was taught by my mom when I was little so I hope I can pick it up again easily. I use to make clothes for my dolls or blankets for my toys. Then I got older and it wasn't cool to knit so I put the knitting needles away. I wish I never stopped. Luckily I am jumping back into it and will have many of projects to undertake this year.
Another neat thing I came across this week was that my town has a small crafting store called Lasting Impressions and they do free one on one classes during the day to help people learn new techniques or to help beginners. Unfortunately my schedule conflicts with when the classes are run right now but my schedule may be changing in a week or two, so hopefully I can go to one of the sessions. They also do a crop night on Friday evenings. You go there with your recent project and get together with others that love the hobby as well and they work on their projects you work on yours and you can help each other as well as the scrapbooking instructors are their to help out if you need a hand or want a new idea on how to do things. I may go to this coming Fridays class. I will be late as it starts at 3 and I work till 4:30 but I think it may help. It will also be nice to be with others that enjoy scrapbooking like I do. I want to get my scrapbooking away from the collage type and more into the traditional style of scrapbooking. Do not get my wrong I love my work that I have done but it is always good to learn new tricks and tips to make your pages pop to others so they love them like you do. Well that is enough rambling for today best go bast my turkey. See you soon

Sunday 8 January 2012

One Step Closer

Hello Everyone,

I am successfully one step closer to getting the ball rolling on my New Years resolution. So this week I have been extremely under the weather but I still have some updates for you all. While this week I have won a 3377 piece scrapbooking lot from eBay. It is schedule to get to me on Wednesday January 11, 2011. I am super excited to see what all I got in it. I guarantee that it is about $200 plus worth of items and I only paid $43.65. You have to love that. I am going to be placing a bid on a paper lot tonight so that I have lots of great paper to start my projects with. I have also signed up for Michaels-Discover Tall Stitches of Crochet Class and I am schedule to do that on January 30th, 2012. Look forward to seeing pictures of that. I think that class will be a bit advance for a beginner so I am going to buy the needed supplies soon and teach my self the slip knot, foundation chain, single crochet and turning chain that I am required to know prior to the class. Luckily in this day in age I have found most of these on YouTube. Got to love people posting walkthroughs. I likely won't be jumping into anything to crafty at the beginning of the week but after Wednesday when I get my scrapbooking supplies craft time will commence. I will keep you all posted in my struggles of learning those stitches and all the goodies that I won when they arrive. I also tried to sign up for the Michael's -Spotted Canary Scrapbooking Class but it wasn't being run in January or February so no luck for that. They took my information at the store and they are going to talk to the instructor to see if she can put together a class in the next month or for her to let me know when she will be having the next class. I was going to do it in December but I went to register for it but it is a four week course and I found out about it and the week I was going to register it was week two of the course so I couldn't join. Hopefully the instructor decides to have one start in January or February because that would be awesome. I am really looking forward to doing that class. As I said it is a four week course it includes:

Class 1 Scrapbooking Basics
Learn the elements of scrapbook design.

Focal point and matting

Class 2 Building Blocks of Design
Create layouts that complete a balanced and unified story.

Color methodology
Layout design
Principles of element placement

Class 3 Power of the Pen
Explore the influence of type and journaling on scrapbooking.

Creative writing
Decorative pen tricks
Journaling and titles

Class 4 Finishing Touches
Embellish your project with stickers and punch art design.

Finishing a page
Sticker Art
Punch Art

I personally think even though I have been scrapbooking for years I would still learn a lot in this four week course. Hopefully I get a call back soon saying they are going to run one in February. I was also given a great idea from my wonderful aunt (Love you) she suggested I start a journal so that I can see all the projects that I have done in years to come. Not sure if I will do a journal but I might do a photo book/scrapbook type idea. While I am off to get ready for work so that is all for now. Talk to you all soon. (Likely Wednesday)